What was happening these days in my life? many ... People came ,People went and People are going from my life
There is this girl whom i met 8 years back.We don't know each other when we first land there ,
we don't know how long we will be together .We have different opinions different taste but still we were same.
Days passed by fate took us apart and lost contact . Few days back heard something is going on her life ,Though we were miles apart i knew what she must be going through now . Called her after 3 years . I heard the caller tune from her phone.some strange song singing in a strange language for me. Not in a mood to listen,i was worried what will be the reaction from her side when she hears me .
I heard the voice from other side. I just said "Hello"..
There replies the voice from other side "Shobi is that you???.." . No matter how many years you lost contact of ur closed ones they will remain the same - People came :):)
I met this guy through a small window,who came into my life uninvited.I know i opened doors for him to walk in,But uninvited still. I can't accept that I'd invited trouble.
He made me laugh for no reason,he made me cry for no reason but he left me for some reason
These days he is ...
...no more mail in my inbox,
....deleted number in my mobile,
.....memory that i carry with a heavy heart. -People went
There is this another girl who came into my life 2 years back..She gives me my space and have her own space always..
We spoke a little , sometimes it had a big meaning.
Usually we speak..
.."6:oo PM at Harvard?"
.."Movie ..tonight?"
but unusually she said.. "I am moving from this place" - People are going..
Cheer up :))))
Whatever happens.. Life has to move on :))
Smile plz :)
Hmm ! :(
(From my blog. )
Saturday, January 03, 2009
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. ( I heard this first when I was dating a Assame friend from IIT during 2002. She used to keep saying this to me and used to tell let time deciede if you are a friend for a reason or season or a life time.)
When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this Person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
There are many friends who had come in my life for a reason, season and on due course turned to be a Known stranger yet few remain with me amidst all the discomforts , fights, arguments, misunderstanding etc and I really celebrate them. I also been in others life for a reason and season and in very few lives remaining for life time. Time will reveal if the life time will remain for a life time and if they celebrate my relationship as i do.
All kind for friends are required for growing . One should know whom we should hold for a life time and whom to let free. Holding a nonwilling person would only bring grief upon oneself . Being in some one else life when they dont need us also inflict pain. We should know to let some one free as well as set oneself free to enjoy the relationship.
Strangely enough, I am also going through the same phase.. Coincidence :)
:-)...very well written post, my dearest. You've such a v nice way of putting words together. Keep it up :-)
People came - That is really something to cherish. Friendships like this are rare...In today's world , little things like this makes you feel so good, no?
People went - Well now these are all the relationships you need to put behind and not worry about. Because if you don't, then it will hinder your happiness. It's best to forget and move on. And I hope you can leave the heavy heart with these memories behind and make room for newer better ones !
People are going - I've known you for a short while too, but I can tell with a lot of confidence that friends like you are very few. I would forever cherish our days, no matter where I'm, what I'm doing, etc...You are without a doubt one of the best :-)...Anyway, the point is, don't worry about people going away. As long as there is a strong bond, the relationship will never die. :-)
Hey, thanks for visiting our (Vidya and mine) blog and commenting on our pictures :)
watever u have mentioned have happened so many times in mylife that its become a routine..pazhagidichi..piriarachay vara kaayam aaravay matenguthu samayathula..anyways...to meet and part is the way of life..to part and meet is the hope of life.. right? :)
People Come People Go, but show must keep going on...
Life is a train and we are all passengers waiting each one's destination...
What ever you are, its all based on all the people who come, stayed, went, lost etc.. so everything is for a reason...
Ippadi sila pala thathuvangala enakulla engayo pothanju irukku... any time ungala maathiri feel pannum bothellam intha sila pala thathuvanga vechu bring me back to reality...
So cheer up...
//to meet and part is the way of life..to part and meet is the hope of life.. //
Amazing!! Saga kalakkittel!!!
hey machi... u ve described ur thots the best. i guess this is the best post of urs!
Reminds me of a song by Green Day- Boulevard of Broken Dreams - I walk a lonely road!
why no more posts?
s y y y ? no more?
@ G3 Thanks- Ya i know life moves on
@ R-ambam :(
@ Known stranger-Thats a good one . Yo said a lot in that .Thanks :)
@ manju same pinch :P .I think everyone will go through this at one point of time.
and Your photo blog is awesome
@ V...s will miss ya for sure :(
@ Gills
//meet and part is the way of life..to part and meet is the hope of life
really very good one.Yen orkut caption ipa ithu thaan :)
@ KK
//People Come People Go, but show must keep going on...
Life is a train and we are all passengers waiting each one's destination.
Neengalum thathuvum pinnitinga
@ Raz Machi thanks di :)
@laffemmerva -Will listen to that song :) .
@ 3rd eye
Lil busy with work , also
not finding anything interesting to write these day ;) .
Will come with a nice post soon :)
Its nice of you that you thought of your friend durg her tough times.... That's real friendship :)
Yes people come / go... Its hard to digest but reality is we face more of this as we grow in our life...
why so pheelings :) but adhayum azhaga ezhudareenga, I gues writing helps to unload our feelings. All the best, i wish u humerous people to walk in and never leave :)
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