Am I religious ? No ,
Am I not Religious ? No..
I am the Person who wants to go to church regulary not that i am so religious ,may be i am brought up like that .
Had latenight tired sleep of doing nothing woke up on sunday morning peeked out of the comforter to check the weather ,It is gloomy like most of the days , Looked for my mobile ,It is always either me or my mobile will be on the otherside of where we both start together in the night.
I am the last person who always sits in the last bench in the church. I never listened to the preaching though i tried hard to listen .
I entered for a hym which i always love to listen. After the hym ..Priest with no peace said "Peace be with you" .
Our Response "And also be with you".
Priest -"Share the Peace with one another" .
A couple shared their peace by kissing each other on their lips..
American grandma shared her peace by touching my head
African lady shared it by hugging me..
A phillipine guy by hand shaking ..
There was this Indian guy neither he nor I wants to touch,hug or shake hands ..we looked at each other and said at the same time "Peace".